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Beckman Coulter Spinchron

Beckman Spinchron centrifuge system guarantees exceptional performance, versatility, and the convenience demanded by today’s clinical laboratories.

Brand: Beckman Coulter

Category: Tag: Product ID: 4178


Spinchron is a centrifugal system from Beckman, designed for use in all facilities performing any clinical laboratory testing.
Beckman Spinchron centrifuge system guarantees exceptional performance, versatility, and the convenience demanded by today’s clinical laboratories. Beckman Spinchron series of centrifuges are available in five models – either as bench top versions or floor versions. You can even avail of the device with or without refrigeration. It has a performance speed of 6400 rpm and forces to 5642g – with a capacity of 3 liters, or 76 12 mL sample tubes. The high G-force helps to improve laboratory productivity.

Beckman Coulter Spinchron - EL Providers