Enhanced Safety
The BD BACTEC 9000 System is the only blood culturing system that provides truly non-invasive technology. This means no bottle venting, no dangerous aerosols, and reduced sharps hazards. The exclusive BD Safety-Lok adapter permits direct draw sample collection with minimum needle exposure.
Continuous Monitoring Technology
BD BACTEC 9000 System features the unique BD BACTEC 9000 fluorescent sensor technology that allows for fully-automated, walk-away testing using a continuous-monitory instrument that agitates and incubates BACTECF Blood Culture Bottles, resulting in earlier detection of positives.
The BD BACTEC instrument also provides advanced algorithms for individual bottle types, for special circumstances such as low blood volume, pediatric specimens, or to detect slow growing organisms such as Haemophilus and Neisseria. These algorithms provide rapid detection of pathogens in blood culture.
Data management systems with barcode scanning capabilities provide rapid entry of bottles into the BD BACTEC 9000 series instrument and linkage to patient information. Bi-directional LIS interface eliminates 80% of key strokes for the computer operator and allows personnel on all shifts and with differing levels of experience to quickly master data / bottle entry, thus reducing labor and improving time-to-results.
Simple Operation
In the BD BACTEC 9000 instrument, step-by-step directions for bottle processing and test initiation are provided by scanning the barcode test menu.
Patient demographics can be entered into the system using the BD BACTEC Barcode Scanner or directly downloaded from the LIS system. They can also be entered via keyboard, if desired. Bottles are tested every 10 minutes. Positive results are flagged for quick processing. Negative bottles can be batch-scanned out of the system and unloaded at the end of protocol.
The BD BACTEC 9000 Fluorescent Series is available in modules to accommodate your laboratory’s blood culture test volume:
BD BACTEC 9240 System accommodates 240 test bottles. (Up to 5 BD BACTEC 9240/9120 System instruments can be networked together through a single PC module, for ease-of-use in large laboratories, and up to 4 modules can be networked into 1 VISION Data Management System, allowing up to 20 instruments to be networked together.)
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