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Siemens / Bayer Clinitek 50

Bayer HealthCare AG, a leader in providing healthcare and top class medical products is now acquired by Siemens. This reliable, yet affordable equipment is designed specifically to meet the clinical urine tests conducted in healthcare centers, physician offices, and smaller laboratories – all by minimizing operational or human errors.

Brand: Siemens Healthineers

Category: Product ID: 879


With the use of Clinitek 50 urine chemistry analyzer, you can obtain reliable urine chemistry results for urobilinogen, protein, leucocytes, ketone, ph, nitrite, blood, bilirubin, glucose, and specific gravity. It has the capability to test up to 60 samples per hour and provides consistent results within 5 minutes.
The instrument makes use of Multistix 10 SG Reagent Strips for performing traditional urinalysis. Bayer Clinitek 50 is also capable of performing Multistix PRO and Clinitek micro albumin/creatinine analyses. It is possible to achieve results in formats of your choice with time and date stamped.

Siemens / Bayer Clinitek 50 - EL Providers